China Africa energy cooperation provides strong support for Africa's energy transformation

release time:2024/9/3

Xinhua News Agency reporter Cai Shihao

Currently, fossil fuels remain the main source of electricity generation in Africa. In recent years, African countries have made efforts to promote energy transformation through strengthening international cooperation and other means.

Experts believe that China has played an important role in Africa's energy transition. Over the years, China has assisted African countries in developing renewable energy and improving their power infrastructure through technology transfer, project cooperation, and financial support. China Africa energy cooperation is gradually deepening, providing strong support for the transformation of Africa's energy structure and demonstrating broad prospects for cooperation.

Currently, the development level of power infrastructure varies among African countries, and there are significant regional differences in development. According to the "2022 Africa Energy Outlook" report released by the International Energy Agency, as of 2021, 600 million people in Africa lack access to electricity, meaning 43% of the population is not covered by the power grid, with 590 million people living in sub Saharan Africa.

According to data released by the German Statista data platform, as of 2021, the power coverage in northern Africa is relatively good, reaching 98%; The electricity coverage in East, South, and West Africa ranges from 52% to 56%; However, less than one-third of the people in central Africa have access to electricity.

Given the global trend towards renewable energy and the impact of fossil fuel use on the environment in Africa, the African Union and over 40 African countries have set energy transition goals. However, the transformation of electricity production in Africa still faces many challenges, including a lack of investment in power infrastructure and a shortage of technical personnel.

In terms of investment, according to a report released by Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu in October last year, Africa received only 3% of global energy investment between 2010 and 2020, of which only 0.5% was invested in transmission and distribution networks. According to the data cited in the report, to achieve comprehensive access to modern energy in Africa by 2030, the region requires an annual investment of $25 billion.

In terms of talent, many countries have a serious shortage of talent reserves in project and system design, installation, and maintenance, especially in the field of new technologies. The shortage of talent hinders the introduction and effective implementation of new technologies, delays the energy transition process, and increases the overall risk and cost of projects.

Experts believe that against the backdrop of challenges in Africa's energy transition, cooperation between China and Africa in the field of renewable energy will continue to deepen, especially in the areas of solar and wind energy.

The "2022 Africa Energy Outlook" report points out that the installed solar capacity in Africa is expected to achieve significant growth by 2030.

Chinese companies are helping African countries achieve this growth through mutually beneficial cooperation. In Kenya, the Garissa Photovoltaic Power Station, the largest photovoltaic power station in East Africa built by Chinese enterprises, has an average annual power generation of over 76 million kilowatt hours and can reduce approximately 64000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions annually. In South Africa, the DeA wind power project undertaken by Chinese enterprises has been connected to the grid for power generation, with a total installed capacity of 244500 kilowatts.

According to the White Paper on China's Energy Transition, China continues to expand its openness and cooperation, carrying out green energy project cooperation with more than 100 countries and regions. A large number of landmark projects such as nuclear power, hydropower, and new energy have been successively completed and put into operation. In 2023, exporting wind and photovoltaic products will help other countries reduce carbon dioxide emissions by about 810 million tons.

Liu Tiannan, Associate Professor of the French Department at the School of Foreign Languages, China Academy of International Relations, and Head of the African Studies Institute, said that there is enormous potential for the development of renewable energy in Africa. In recent years, renewable energy and green development have been repeatedly mentioned at the Forum on China Africa Cooperation, the the Belt and Road International Cooperation Summit Forum and other important international occasions. In the future, China will further expand its cooperation with Africa in green and low-carbon industry technology, providing more African countries with opportunities to enter the clean energy market. This can not only meet the rapidly growing energy demand in Africa, but also reduce dependence on fossil fuels and improve the stability of energy supply.

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