Working together to build a high-level community with a shared future for China and Africa

release time:2024/9/5

In September in Beijing, guests and friends gather together. The Beijing summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation of the Forum on China Africa Cooperation in 2024, with the theme of "Jointly promoting modernization and building a high-level China Africa community of common destiny", has attracted the attention of the world.

China and Africa have always been a community of shared destiny. The common historical experiences, common development tasks, and common strategic interests have tightly linked China and Africa together. Since the beginning of the new era, under the guidance of the head of state's diplomatic strategy, China Africa relations have continuously reached new heights and entered a new stage of jointly building a high-level China Africa community with a shared future.

China and Zimbabwe have issued a joint statement on deepening and enhancing the comprehensive strategic partnership and building a high-level China Zimbabwe community with a shared future. China and Nigeria have issued a joint statement on establishing a comprehensive strategic partnership and building a high-level China Nepal community with a shared future. China and Senegal have issued a joint statement on deepening the comprehensive strategic partnership and building a high-level China Senegal community with a shared future. On the occasion of the opening of the Beijing Summit of the Forum on China Africa Cooperation in 2024, the construction of the China Africa community with a shared future has achieved further results.

Working together to achieve modernization through high-quality cooperation

Realizing modernization is a common pursuit of China and African countries. Joining hands to promote modernization is an inevitable choice for China Africa relations to enter a new stage of building a high-level community with a shared future. At this summit, both China and Africa will determine a new positioning for China Africa relations, announce a series of major measures to jointly promote modernization, and jointly draw up a new blueprint for the development of China Africa relations.

China is comprehensively promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese path to modernization, and Africa is accelerating towards the beautiful vision described in the African Union's 2063 Agenda. The highly compatible development strategy has brought unprecedented historical opportunities for the development of China Africa cooperation. China and Africa are helping each other and advancing hand in hand on the path of economic development and national rejuvenation, which will enhance the common well-being of over 2.8 billion people in China and Africa.

President Xi Jinping pointed out that the path towards modernization is rich and diverse. What kind of development path is most suitable for Africa, and the African people have the most say. Advancing integration is the modernization path chosen independently by African countries and peoples. China has always provided firm support and is willing to be a fellow traveler on the path of modernization in Africa.

From the Diamniacou Industrial Park in Senegal to the Lequi Free Trade Zone in Nigeria, from the China Egypt Teda Suez Economic and Trade Cooperation Zone to the Djibouti International Free Trade Zone, cooperation parks constructed and operated by Chinese enterprises help African countries attract investment and enhance local economic development capabilities;

From the Wanbao Mozambique Agricultural Park in Mozambique to the rubber factory in Cote d'Ivoire, from the Mauritania Livestock Technology Demonstration Center to the Uganda China Ukraine Agricultural Cooperation Industrial Park, Chinese enterprises have participated in the construction of agricultural cooperation parks and agricultural product processing plants in Africa, enhancing the added value of agricultural products and helping local people generate income and increase their income;

From launching the "Support for African Industrialization Initiative" to implementing the "China Assistance for African Agricultural Modernization Plan" and the "China Africa Talent Training Cooperation Plan", China's three major measures focus on the industrialization, agricultural modernization, and talent training fields urgently needed for Africa to achieve modernization, and support Africa's development with practical actions;


A China Africa cooperation project is a microcosm of China and African countries working together to promote modernization. African countries look forward to high-quality cooperation between Africa and China to jointly achieve modernization and promote new and greater development in Africa China relations. Zimbabwean President Mnangagwa expressed that Zimbabwe is willing to strengthen the exchange of experience in governing the country and the party with China, deepen cooperation in infrastructure, agriculture, minerals, new energy and other fields, and help Zimbabwe's modernization process. Nigerian President Tinubu stated that he welcomes more Chinese companies to invest in Nigeria, expand mutually beneficial cooperation in agriculture, manufacturing, mineral energy, infrastructure and other fields, and assist in the modernization construction of Nigeria and West Africa.

Actively carry out pragmatic cooperation on the basis of equality and mutual benefit

Win win cooperation and shared happiness are essential components of building a high-level China Africa community with a shared future. President Xi Jinping pointed out that for a long time, China and Africa have followed the trend of the times and their respective development needs, actively carried out pragmatic cooperation on the basis of equality and mutual benefit, and achieved remarkable results. The results of cooperation have widely benefited the people of both sides.

In the Guedu Reclamation Area of the Divo Province in southern Ivory Coast, African young man Benjamin is skillfully driving a Chinese made combine harvester through rice fields. He praised "China's rice varieties and planting techniques have doubled the yield"; In the Central Ubalae Industrial Park in Uganda, local workers are busy processing and manufacturing local products, and the "front store, back factory" model is promoting "Made in Africa" to the world; As night falls, in the village of Ndamale in Cameroon, solar powered lighting donated by Chinese companies illuminates the school square at night. Villagers download songs and dance under the lights

Under the framework of the Forum on China Africa Cooperation and the joint construction of the "the Belt and Road", China Africa cooperation has brought tangible benefits. China and Africa have built a number of landmark projects and "small but beautiful" projects in the fields of transportation, energy, and electricity, which have effectively driven the local economic and social development in Africa. Humphrey Mosi, Director of the China Studies Center at the University of Dar es Salaam in Tanzania, said, "The 'righteousness' of Africa China cooperation comes before the' benefit ', reflecting China's sincere concern for Africa, winning widespread praise from African countries, and inspiring the willingness of both sides to cooperate in more fields

From the "Ten Major Cooperation Plans" to the "Eight Major Actions" and then to the "Nine Projects", China and Africa are helping each other on the road to economic development and national rejuvenation, constantly expanding new areas of cooperation and creating new opportunities for development.

In the process of building "Digital Africa", Chinese enterprises actively participate in the construction of digital infrastructure such as land and sea cables, 5G networks, and data centers in Africa; In the field of aerospace, China launches meteorological or communication satellites for countries such as Algeria and Ethiopia, while the China Africa Satellite Remote Sensing Application Cooperation Center provides natural resource satellite remote sensing cloud services to African countries; In the field of green development, a large number of clean energy projects such as the Dehua wind power plant in South Africa and the Garissa photovoltaic power plant in Kenya have landed in Africa... Sierra Leone's Minister of Information and Civic Education, Bach, believes that China's contributions to promoting development in Africa and globally are evident, and "China is an important partner that helps us achieve our dreams

To set an example for promoting the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind

Currently, the global century long changes are accelerating, and the momentum of the global South, including China and Africa, is growing significantly, injecting stability and positive energy into world peace and development. President Xi Jinping emphasized that China is willing to closely engage in political exchanges with Africa, deepen strategic mutual trust, strengthen pragmatic cooperation, share development experience, and promote common development. Closely unite and cooperate, firmly support each other, advocate for an equal and orderly world multipolarity, inclusive economic globalization, and jointly safeguard international fairness, justice, and the common interests of developing countries.

For a long time, China and Africa have always understood and supported each other on issues related to each other's core interests and major concerns, closely cooperated and cooperated on major international and regional issues, and become the backbone of safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of developing countries, upholding the purposes of the United Nations Charter, multilateralism, and international fairness and justice.

In the complex and ever-changing international situation, both Africa and China jointly promote multilateralism, oppose unilateralism and protectionism, and support each other on issues involving each other's core interests and major concerns, which can effectively safeguard the common interests of developing countries, "said Kritan Bahana, President of the South African Institute of Diplomacy.

As a developing country and a member of the global South, China firmly supports increasing the representation and voice of African countries in the international governance system, and firmly supports Africa to become an important pole in world political, economic, and cultural development. China is the first country to explicitly support the African Union's accession to the G20. China actively participates in peace and security affairs in Africa and promotes dialogue and cooperation among regional countries on hot issues such as the Sahel, Horn of Africa, and Great Lakes region. Former Ethiopian President Mullatu Teshome sincerely praised, "China adheres to true multilateralism and open cooperation. China has always stood with African countries and sincerely helped Africa's development

China and Africa are not only important partners in promoting changes in the global governance system and international order, but also in building an open and inclusive world economy. Both the 52 African countries and the AU Commission have signed cooperation documents with China on jointly building the "the Belt and Road". Africa is the first continent to welcome and support global development initiatives as a whole, with 33 countries joining the Friends of the Initiative group, accounting for over 40% of the global total.

African Union Commission Chairman Faki stated that President Xi Jinping's series of major initiatives, such as jointly building the Belt and Road Initiative, the Global Development Initiative, the Global Security Initiative, and the Global Civilization Initiative, are committed to enabling people of all countries to share peace and development opportunities. This is crucial for strengthening solidarity and cooperation among countries in the global South and promoting a more fair and reasonable global governance system. The African side expects China to continue to play a key leading role and make greater contributions to helping Africa achieve modernization, world peace, and development.

Building a community with a shared future is a common dream of humanity, and modernization is the only way to connect dreams with reality. Both in the past and present, China and Africa have been pioneers in building a community with a shared future, and will surely join hands to walk at the forefront of the modernization process in the future. Taking the Beijing summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation of the Forum on China Africa Cooperation in 2024 as an opportunity, China and Africa will gather the strength of the countries of the global South, jointly defend international fairness and justice, jointly safeguard the interests of developing countries, seek peace and development in the face of major changes in the world, and jointly build a high-level China Africa community of shared future, setting an example for promoting the building of a community of shared future for mankind.

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