Wang Yi Talks about the Four Achievements of the Beijing summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation

release time:2024/9/6

On September 5, 2024, Wang Yi, member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and Minister of Foreign Affairs, met with Chinese and foreign journalists and answered questions with Senegal's Foreign Minister Fale, the current co chair of the Forum on China Africa Cooperation, and the next co chair of the Republic of Congo's Foreign Minister Kakoso.

Wang Yi introduced the four main achievements of this summit:

One is to achieve full coverage of strategic partnership between China and African countries that have established diplomatic relations. The foundation of China Africa friendship is the strong bilateral relations between China and every African country. During the summit, President Xi Jinping held bilateral meetings with all attending heads of state and important government leaders to have in-depth communication on major strategic issues. Comrades of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and the Vice President of the country also had intensive meetings with African leaders in attendance. During the summit, China established or enhanced strategic partnerships with 30 countries. Standing shoulder to shoulder with 53 strategic partners in Africa, China will undoubtedly play a greater role in promoting the well-being of the Chinese and African people and maintaining world peace and stability.

Secondly, the overall relationship between China and Africa has been elevated to a new era all-weather community with a shared future. As President Xi Jinping pointed out, China Africa friendship transcends time and space, mountains and seas, and is passed down from generation to generation. After nearly 70 years of hard work, China Africa relations are at their best in history. During this summit, Chinese and African leaders unanimously agreed to elevate China Africa relations to a new era all-weather community with a shared future for China and Africa. From a new type of partnership, to a comprehensive strategic partnership, and now to being established as an all-weather community with a shared future for mankind in the new era, the level of China Africa relations has continuously improved, the positioning has become clearer, and the connotation has become richer, demonstrating the firm will of more than 2.8 billion people in China and Africa to stand together and walk hand in hand in the century long changes, and writing a new chapter in the magnificent cause of building a community with a shared future for mankind.

The third is to clarify the six major proposals for China and Africa to work together to promote modernization. Realizing modernization is an inalienable and legitimate right of developing countries. How to achieve modernization and what kind of modernization to achieve is a historical issue facing the "Global South". President Xi Jinping put forward six major proposals for China and Africa to work together to promote modernization, pointing out that we need to achieve a just and reasonable modernization, an open and win-win modernization, a people-centered modernization, a diverse and inclusive modernization, an eco-friendly modernization, and a peaceful and secure modernization. These six proposals have been widely recognized by African leaders attending the conference, forming a political consensus between China and Africa. It marks the deepening of our understanding of the laws of modernization, the increasing historical consciousness of mastering our own destiny, and the significant and far-reaching impact on leading the "global South" to accelerate modernization and promote world modernization.

Fourthly, a blueprint for the next stage of China Africa cooperation has been formulated. Both sides have adopted the Beijing Declaration and Action Plan to strengthen China Africa cooperation over the next three years.   One is the Civilization Mutual Learning Partnership Action, which aims to create a platform for exchanging governance experience, establish a China Africa Development Knowledge Network, and invite 1000 African political party members to come to China for exchange. The second is the Trade Prosperity Partnership Action. Announcing the unilateral expansion of market opening, granting zero tariff treatment to 100% of taxable products from the least developed countries in Africa, and promoting the Chinese market as a great opportunity for Africa. The third is the Industrial Chain Cooperation Partnership Action, which aims to establish a pilot zone for deep economic and trade cooperation between China and Africa, launch the "Empowering Small and Medium sized Enterprises in Africa Plan", and jointly build the China Africa Digital Technology Cooperation Center. The fourth is the Connectivity Partnership Action, which aims to build a China Africa connectivity network with land sea linkage and coordinated development, and help promote cross regional development in Africa. The fifth is to develop cooperative partner actions, implement 1000 "small and beautiful" livelihood projects, and promote the development achievements to better benefit the African people. The sixth is the Health Partnership Action, jointly building a joint medical center and dispatching 2000 medical team members to Africa to support the construction of the African Center for Disease Control and Prevention. The seventh is the Partnership Action for Promoting Agriculture and Benefiting the People, providing emergency food aid to Africa, building agricultural standardization demonstration zones, and creating no less than 1 million job opportunities for Africa. The eighth is the People to People Exchange Partnership Action, promoting the "Future Vocational Education in Africa" plan, providing 60000 training opportunities, and designating 2026 as the "China Africa Year of People to People Exchange". The ninth is the Green Development Partnership Action, which implements 30 clean energy projects in Africa, jointly builds 30 joint laboratories, and carries out cooperation in satellite remote sensing, lunar and deep space exploration. The tenth is the Partnership Action for Building Security, creating a demonstration zone for implementing global security initiatives and training military and police personnel for Africa.

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